Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In a relationship with my car

* Dedicated to my dhanno, kinda lost it I guess writing a silly poem for her, but here it goes

Me and my car are like strings and guitar
We smile; we laugh together and go very far
Singing silly songs driving on the shiny roads of tar
We often get a little tipsy trying to be at par

My car is my home, my workplace, a hotel
She has got a random mood that no one can tell
As she strides jauntily from heaven to hell
I tag along merrily, exploring under its spell

She has got the warmth to light up any fire
She can rise up the spirits and the wild desires
She looks beautiful, dancing in the rain choirs
Oh, she gleams and glitters like a sleek sapphire

I could go on and on singing its praise
But she hates being discussed and likes her space
Of all the good and bad, that I had to face,
Baby, you are my sanity, my companion to lead this chase

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mumbai Rains

Sweet and Salty drops of water running down my cheeks
Peek-a-boo misty curtains giving a sneak peek
Dark clouds and muddy water in overflowing drains
Feel the familiar air as I slither through the Mumbai Rains

Each frame here has got so much to speak
An untold story, a crazy life going from loud to meek
As I spot the locals running swiftly over land and water
I get a reassurance that nothing has changed even after the slaughter

The spirit of human soul is still burning bright
One can only attempt to destroy the body in sight
The invisible mind is still free, ready to fight again
Surviving against all odds, sipping the cutting chai in Mumbai Rains

Friday, June 24, 2011

A vagabond piece of paper

A little tramp scribbled nothings on me, learning to write
Spotted me later with the meat ball gravy and crumbs of pie
Before I could try, to clean myself and let out a sigh,
I was rolled mercilessly into a clod and thrown away with all the might.

I was a spotless white sheet of paper
But now feel nothing less than a leper
Flying away from one window to another
Trying to survive with as much strength I can gather

Things got worse, as I got stuck beneath a small stone
And it began to rain making me sweat and cry alone
Suddenly a cheerful cherub picked me overjoyed in the rain
Straightened me and turned me into a boat, simple and plain

The kind bairn also set me free in a stream of river
And I embarked on the journey a little afraid letting a quiver
The trail was remarkable emblazoned with the beautiful sights,
And the carefree wind pushed me through as the guiding light

I sail now smiling, a vagabond piece of paper
That got turned by destiny into an indomitable caper
Sailing with an attitude, using my guts to get the direction
I am on an endless adventure taking even my end to perfection.

- Roushni Singh

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Invictus- My favorite poem, awe-inspiring, my strength.

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll.

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

-William Ernest Henley

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Every morning after I get up, I stare at this toothpaste tube.
I wonder is it really so important that it should be my first muse?
While I sit for a few minutes, half asleep, holding it,
My whole life so far flashes back & the last day sets the mood for this new one.

Each day isn't so b'ful and it is always full of surprises.
But what I pick up from it decides my journey forwad.
I wish I could forget the ones that killed me many times over,
And pick up only the ones that made me smile for silly reasons.

But Nay, mind is hardly spotless and it picks up all the bitches.
I can just pretend to shrug them off and brush my teeth.