Friday, March 19, 2010


What is it that the fools call a paradise?

Is it the faraway sky or the futile prize?

Many consider it as a dream, a desire;

Free from all evils, safe from all floods and fires.

For me, it is a pain coz it is so difficult to attain

No matter what I achieve, I let it go in vain…

I do not travel to reach a dream destination

I want to traverse through the unknown for my salvation

Singing my own tunes and dreaming about nothing,

I want set my spirit free, devoid of all illusions.

I do not believe in destiny either

I am a solitary walker, a trouble monger, a jester.

Somehow my words do not make sense to many

But I am unaware how to behave to not look uncanny

I am a subtle enigmatic flame of fire,

My mind is my Paradise, and I am its desire.

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