Friday, March 19, 2010


What is it that the fools call a paradise?

Is it the faraway sky or the futile prize?

Many consider it as a dream, a desire;

Free from all evils, safe from all floods and fires.

For me, it is a pain coz it is so difficult to attain

No matter what I achieve, I let it go in vain…

I do not travel to reach a dream destination

I want to traverse through the unknown for my salvation

Singing my own tunes and dreaming about nothing,

I want set my spirit free, devoid of all illusions.

I do not believe in destiny either

I am a solitary walker, a trouble monger, a jester.

Somehow my words do not make sense to many

But I am unaware how to behave to not look uncanny

I am a subtle enigmatic flame of fire,

My mind is my Paradise, and I am its desire.

Singing in the rain…

Singing in the rain is no more fun

People nowadays like the brighter sun

They don’t mind bearing the heat or the sun ray

But they do not have time to get wet in the rain on the way

Gone are the days when flying kites would bring joy

When days will go chatting and nights counting stars in the sky

When the sight of sweets at the local market used to widen the eyes

Because people these days prefer sugar free and low cal vice

Change is good and inevitable they say

But I hope I am not loosing on my old memories following the new ways

It is important these days to pretend and look good and worthy

But I still prefer the days when you could still live even if your life was murky

Singing in the rain used to be fun. But now no more, coz there’s only the sun.