Thursday, December 27, 2007

Let there be Light!

Everyone is saying that 27/12 is the darkest day in Pakistan's history which makes me wonder that is it indeed the darkest day, or more darkness is yet to come!

Everyone is shocked but not surprised with the event that unfolded itself yesterday. She said that to elminiate terrorirsm you need to fight it not fear it. But was this price that she had to pay, necessary to continue the fight?

The result of this unknown, unforceable & unpredicatable fight is not yet disclosed and may be its impact on the future of a nation & its people can never be estimated completely. Her demise is indeed sad but it surely boasts of the path power traces for influencing the "influencials". The power hungry can see the outcome of their acts in front of their eyes every single minute but still I think it is a beam of hope that they'll be spared of the evil despite the evil,which keeps them going.

In the end, terrorism is something which seriously needs to be curbed to the last ounce but the million dollar question remains- " Is a zilch terrorism scenario possible; when the "Avam" is hoping and trusting the intiators & catalysts to be the culminators!!??!".

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Levante is thy name...

Levante- here I am talking of the Levanter, the mediterranean wind that carries rains and are well known for creating a particular cloud formation above the Rock of Gilbraltar.
Now choosing this name and subject for my first blog is another story...
I was such a destructive minded kid that watever came my way used to be destroyed either deliberately or just by chance banging into it. The saga still continues with more than occasional destruction of even myself now, like for example just yesterday when the sleepy me poured hot boiling tea on my own hand rather than in the cup. Also, I am fierecely independent in my life and no one can ever guess that what I am thinking with still eyes focused on some distinct nowhere. So, what better phenomenon will there be to explain myself as a form of wind, the Levanter being the closest which mostly destroys everything surrounding it whenever it gets out of its lazyness and decides to take a walk wherever it wants... even to the Rock of Gilbraltar!
Winds have always fascinated me... I always used to try feeling them, cold, damp, fresh, on my face mostly while driving or while taking a morning walk and used to wonder that from where do they get their force to move that tiny piece of polythene bag or roll the hump of dry leaves lying idle on the street. More bewilderment came when I first saw that the wind could also blow the rain drops falling vertically to more of horizonatal synchronizations in sync with their sound. Gosh! I used to think, how much power does this invisible force has that could move anything it wished to, that could flow in any direction and go anywhere in this world without much thinking.
I have always tried to follow the habits of this role model of mine- the Levanter (and have been more than successful especially in the destructive ones) and aspire to reach that status some day when I am as free as she is and can enjoy roaming about aimlessly as recklessly as she does.
So, finally deciding to execute my class teacher's patent advice to my parents on the parent teacher's meet- "your girl is full of energy & brilliant ideas, but alas!, we always wish that she tries to use them in constructive actvities like she does in writing..." here I begin my journey to blogging just hoping that it proves less destructive to the community than the rest of my "normal" activities!