Saturday, December 29, 2012

Is Capital Punishment enough?

For all these years, while my parents made me so dauntless never differentiating anything between me and my brother, giving us the same upbringing, education, power to exude thoughts, opinion and personality; I feel a bit weak today.
I thought with education and better technology and facilities we were striving towards a better world of consciousness but I realize that I was sadly mistaken. Past few years have not only shown me the real India in newspapers, but close personal accounts from friends and families where violence, dowry deaths and sabotaging the women existence is so normal even in highly educated and so called up market families, I doubt the confidence a woman should still have.
While she died today out of no reason, brutally tortured and stripped of the self-esteem of all the Indian women, I wonder if Capital Punishment is enough. Our elected politicians still make shameless statements in public glare, the selected policemen still make lewd remarks if you seek for help alone as a woman, the top officials and Government in power are busy saving their ass rather than being actually apologetic or thoughtful about the situation. A Capital Punishment announcement might pacify the protests but will it change the mentality and fake power every other Delhi-te thinks he has? What guarantee are we getting that such kind of incident won’t happen again and we can walk in the city alone without fear?
While I feel a bit fearful now and will take precautions to not take a late night cab from airport or roam in the city late alone even if I have a craving to eat something from Delhi-Haat, being given an example of this incident again and again, I really wish that it’s the mentality that changes. There are many women who have to venture out for reasons more grave to support their families and have to take a risk every day! I really wish that education and power is utilized for a better purpose and women in India are given a respectful platform if not equal.
RIP. Hope you have gone to a better world.